About KinetiX

Evidence based, unique designs...

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Our Journey

TalarMade has been a market leader in prefabricated foot orthoses / foot orthoses for over 30 years.


As part of our commitment to continually improve and deliver clinical excellence, we reviewed foot orthoses from around the globe, published clinical evidence and customer feedback. The results highlighted how we could further assist clinicians in improving patient outcomes and led us to design our new and innovative KinetiXTM range.


The range comprises five models; each has a unique shape and design features based on current clinical evidence and provides clinicians with an immediate, off-the-shelf solution to treat the most commonly occurring foot and ankle conditions effectively


KinetiX products are not directly available for purchase by consumers or through online resellers. Access to KinetiX products is limited to specific healthcare professionals and medical facilities. This restriction ensures that KinetiX products are appropriately prescribed, fitted, and supervised by qualified healthcare professionals to meet the specific needs of patients.

Our Providers

NEUROLOGYPatrick McNeill

Proin non nibh id massa accumsan bibendum in id magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris lobortis scelerisque , eget scelerisque nulla fringilla ac.


CARDIOLOGYBarbara Hodgin

Aenean aliquam tincidunt nibh, at sollicitudin orci. Integer sed lacus ex. Suspendisse eu tortor eget felis pellentesque rhoncus quis ut diam. 


PULMOLOGYJeanette Bowman

Integer vel nisl varius, finibus orci et, congue sapien. Fusce congue nunc quis elit eget porta. Magna nisi, varius ut risus in, porta aliquet.



Integer vel nisl varius, finibus orci et, congue sapien. Fusce congue nunc quis elit eget porta. Magna nisi, varius ut risus in, porta aliquet.



Aenean aliquam tincidunt nibh, at sollicitudin orci. Integer sed lacus ex. Suspendisse eu tortor eget felis pellentesque rhoncus quis ut diam. 



Proin non nibh id massa accumsan bibendum in id magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris lobortis scelerisque , eget scelerisque nulla fringilla ac.


Streamline prescriptions with KinetiXTM

Each KinetiX model has been created from extensive research and supporting clinical evidence to maximise patient outcomes and to reduce the need for custom prescriptions.

Clinicians prescribing KinetiX can use our easy-to-follow recommendation guide, which will assist you in
selecting the appropriate model.

3 Hardness Types

Differing levels of force are applied by choice of Insole hardness. Hard provides more force application whilst softer variants provide less.

Multiple Designs

Apply differing force patterns via multiple designs of insole range based on a competent assessment by an Allied Health Professional.

Evidence Based

Training curriculum will be offered to mitigate against any potential risks to end-user through potential inapporpriate dispensing.


Suspendisse magna nisi, varius ut risus in, porta aliquet nunc. Etiam augue leo, ultrices.


Ut vestibulum finibus nunc sit amet congue. Morbi lacus leo, tempor vitae sapien, ipsum.


Etiam metus augue, malesuada at tempor quis, sollicitudin sit amet magna cursus vehicula.


Fusce ac nulla diam. Nulla facilisi. Donec accumsan est nec laoreet viverra enim.


Sed vel odio sapien. Vivamus feugiat faucibus enim dapibus. In hac habitasse dictumst.

Women's Health

Curabitur justo orci, facilisis sit amet lectus ac, tristique ligula. Sed erat at rutrum neque.


Guided by the needs of our patients

Delivering world class medical care

Our Hospital provide the highest quality care to improve the health of our entire community through innovation, collaboration, service excellence, diversity and a commitment to patient safety

Diagnostic services
Surgery services
Therapy services

Delivering hospital and community based services

Delivering world class cardiology care